Archive for May, 2012

Great Class…

Thursday, May 10th, 2012

I had a great class in the foothills of California with the Independence Hall Quilters. We made Circle Quilts and everyone got to pick their own project. Boy did they run me through the paces, but we all had fun…and that is what it is all about. This is an exciting group of people who love to quilt and share what they have done. They are beginning to gather shoes for their upcoming quilt show. This got my curiosity going, why do they need to collect shoes? Well, their show is at a local winery and the shoes are set out to show you path to travel so you don’t miss any of the show. What a great and novel idea. I am so sorry that I will be teaching the weekend of their show. If you are ready for a beautiful road trip, set out to this quilt show in Arnold, California, October 20 and 21. 2012.